Structural alignment acupuncture
29 February

Structural alignment acupuncture

In our SportMedAcupuncture clinic, we pay a lot of attention to the structural alignment of our patients. Basically, this includes the alignment of the sacrum, sacroiliac joint, shoulder grill, base of the neck and head. Using special techniques, we are able to realign any structural disruption, thereby optimizing our clinical outcomes.

Whatever technique will be used to help you relieve pain, you can be sure that all of our techniques are suitable


Throughout my career I have understood the most important thing – Acupuncture should never be painful or uncomfortable for my patients. In the clinic, only the highest quality and disposable needles are used. They do not cause any unpleasant sensations.

I invite you to visit my clinic in one of three locations to experience my approach to Acupuncture.

- Sergei Khitrykau
Sportmed Acupuncture

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Sportmed Acupuncture !

Feel stronger and healthier

If you suffer from pain caused by an injury, poor posture, repetitive movements, etc., if you are tired of your migraines, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, allergies, indigestion, neuropathies, functional limitations following an accident stroke, or any other neurological disorder, we can help you.

At Sportmedacupuncture, we combine profound knowledge of the ancient art of Chinese medicine with modern anatomical and neurological research. In order to provide the best care to our clients, we offer different acupuncture modalities including classical acupuncture, laser acupuncture, electro acupuncture and Tuina Chinese massage. In practice since 2008, we have developed a unique approach that makes all our procedures painless, safe and very effective!

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