Acupuncture is a method of Chinese origin, practiced for thousands of years. It is traditionally used to support the body on an energetic level by stimulating specific points of the body using needles planted on the surface of the patient's skin. Overview of this ancestral therapeutic practice, yet up to date.
Acupuncture is an energetic practice from traditional Chinese medicine. This discipline is based on the principle that an action carried out on energy has repercussions on matter and therefore on the body. It consists of the stimulation of energy points (acupuncture points), located on the meridians, of which there are 12 and considered as channels circulating vital energy (Qi) throughout the human body. Acupuncture thus makes it possible to regulate an imbalance in the circulation of this energy (in excess, stagnation or insufficiency), which could be the cause of various ailments.
This practice aims to rebalance the vital energy, the Qi (pronounced “chi”) which runs through our entire body, following the meridians, energy flows which are superimposed on other systems. These are connected to the different internal organs. Thus, the various discomforts and manifestations would be a sign of a blockage, a lack, a surplus or a poor orientation of this energy. Acupuncture works by stimulating the meridians at specific points, restoring energy circulation, which allows you to act in a subtle way.
In France, an acupuncturist is most often a doctor who has specialized in acupuncture at university for a year, but acupuncture is also practiced by certain traditional Chinese medicine practitioners who have completed training in a private institute. , generally lasting five years. After a detailed history, he analyzes certain specific points: the tongue, mouth, eyes, ears and nose, and analyzes the pulse. It then determines what energy imbalances are involved and where they are located in the body. Using fine single-use needles that he places on the appropriate acupuncture points, he works on the flow of vital energy, unblocking it or modifying its trajectory to harmonize its circulation in the body. Needle insertion is virtually painless.
In my clinic, the most important rule is that acupuncture should never produce uncomfortable sensations. Everything must be within my patients’ comfortable zone.
Absolutely, the highest quality needles used. As soon as I remove them, they go into special containers for biomedical waste.
Yes, I have been a member of the Order of Acupuncturists of Quebec since 2008.
Quite difficult to answer this question. The best answer was given by one of my teachers: “As little as possible, as much as necessary”. In practice this can range from 4 to 50 needles per treatment.
Again, this will depend on my clinical impression and the treatment protocol chosen.
My ultimate goal is to have a positive result after the first treatment. In 70 to 80% of my treatments, this is the case. However, there are some situations where I have to try different approaches to find the right key
I always ask my patients to give me 4-5 treatments to see if positive results will be produced. If after 4 to 5 treatments my patients feel better, we might opt for 2 to 3 additional treatments, depending on the severity of the symptoms.
Throughout my career I have understood the most important thing – Acupuncture should never be painful or uncomfortable for my patients. In the clinic, only the highest quality and disposable needles are used. They do not cause any unpleasant sensations.
I invite you to visit my clinic in one of three locations to experience my approach to Acupuncture.