Trigger point acupuncture

Trigger point acupuncture

Trigger Points are painful points, knots, located in the muscles. They cause pain during movement or even at rest. The treatment of these points consists of relaxing and softening the muscles and making these painful areas disappear. This technique is done by inserting sterile, single-use acupuncture needles. We thus try to reduce the painful point of the muscle so that it can relax, blood circulation can resume and to restore function.

A healthy muscle will not react the same way when the needle is inserted; there will be no associated discomfort. On the other hand, if the muscle is tense and irritated, the treatment will produce a sensation of cramp and slightly unpleasant muscle twisting.

There is often a protective reflex of muscle contraction around an injured region. This contraction often hinders the treatment of the underlying injury. The therapist will not be able to mobilize stiff joints due to muscular tension. In this case, trigger point redirection will be a treatment of choice to release muscle tension and allow effective treatment of injured joints.

Entrust your Trigger point acupuncture therapy to professionals

If you suffer from pain caused by an injury, poor posture, repetitive movements, etc., if you are tired of your migraines, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, allergies, indigestion, neuropathies, functional limitations following an accident stroke, or any other neurological disorder, we can help you.

At Sportmedacupuncture, we combine profound knowledge of the ancient art of Chinese medicine with modern anatomical and neurological research. In order to provide the best care to our clients, we offer different acupuncture modalities including classical acupuncture, laser acupuncture, electro acupuncture and Tuina Chinese massage. In practice since 2008, we have developed a unique approach that makes all our procedures painless, safe and very effective!

Trigger point acupuncture
Trigger point acupuncture

Some information to enlighten you

In my clinic, the most important rule is that acupuncture should never produce uncomfortable sensations. Everything must be within my patients’  comfortable zone.

Absolutely, the highest quality needles used. As soon as I remove them, they go into special containers for biomedical waste.

Yes, I have been a member of the Order of Acupuncturists of Quebec since 2008.

Quite difficult to answer this question. The best answer was given by one of my teachers: “As little as possible, as much as necessary”. In practice this can range from 4 to 50 needles per treatment.

Again, this will depend on my clinical impression and the treatment protocol chosen.

My ultimate goal is to have a positive result after the first treatment. In 70 to 80% of my treatments, this is the case. However, there are some situations where I have to try different approaches to find the right key

I always ask my patients to give me 4-5 treatments to see if positive results will be produced. If after 4 to 5 treatments my patients feel better, we might opt for 2 to 3 additional treatments, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

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Sportmed Acupuncture

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Sportmed Acupuncture !

Feel stronger and healthier

If you suffer from pain caused by an injury, poor posture, repetitive movements, etc., if you are tired of your migraines, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, allergies, indigestion, neuropathies, functional limitations following an accident stroke, or any other neurological disorder, we can help you.

At Sportmedacupuncture, we combine profound knowledge of the ancient art of Chinese medicine with modern anatomical and neurological research. In order to provide the best care to our clients, we offer different acupuncture modalities including classical acupuncture, laser acupuncture, electro acupuncture and Tuina Chinese massage. In practice since 2008, we have developed a unique approach that makes all our procedures painless, safe and very effective!

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